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Psychedelic Integration Coach

Isabel Santis


19 years of exp.

San Francisco, USA



Integration Coaching


Integration Coaching

Transpersonal Psychology


Transpersonal Psychology

Internal Family Systems


Internal Family Systems

Life Coaching


Life Coaching

Expressive Arts Therapy


Expressive Arts Therapy

Somatic Psychedelic Therapy


Somatic Psychedelic Therapy




















Huachuma/San Pedro


Huachuma/San Pedro




Areas of Expertise

Trauma Resolution


Trauma Resolution

Early Childhood Trauma


Early Childhood Trauma

Psychedelic Integration


Psychedelic Integration

Psychedelic Preparation


Psychedelic Preparation

Inner Child Work


Inner Child Work

Perspective Shifting


Perspective Shifting

Spiritual Emergence


Spiritual Emergence




Spiritual Path


Spiritual Path

Soul and Life Purpose


Soul and Life Purpose




Shamanic Practices


Shamanic Practices

Women's Leadership & Empowerment


Women's Leadership & Empowerment








Hi, my name is Isabel Santis. 

My journey along the path of expanded states started in 1995 when I had a dream that changed my life. When I woke up, covered in sweat and shaking, I knew this was no ordinary dream. It was an invitation to a journey of self-discovery.

This experience catalyzed a process of self-exploration and learning.  I began studying shamanism, dreamwork, somatic embodiment, expressive art therapy, and other subjects that helped me gain skills to navigate expanded states of awareness. I also became a certified coach and completed an MA in Transformative Leadership.  All this time I was working on my "real job" as a program manager for corporations and nonprofits, and while the work was challenging and interesting, it didn't fill my soul. 

I had been attending Burning Man for many years, and I somehow always found myself holding space and supporting folks who were having difficult psychedelic journeys.  I took the Zendo harm reduction training in 2012 and realized that supporting people’s transformation through intentional work with psychedelics was my true calling.

Eventually, the universe helped me turn my calling into a career.  After a string of amazing synchronicities, I enrolled in the East-West Psychology Ph.D. program at CIIS, where I was able to pursue my passion, studying  expanded states of consciousness, shamanic practices, and eco-psychology full time.  In 2019, I launched Spiral Journey, making use of all that I have learned to place in the service of my clients.  

I have been honored to learn from many distinguished and generous teachers from all walks of life.  In particular, I would like to honor the teachers who have mentored me in Mayan spirituality, the Shipibo Ayahuasca tradition, and the practice of Qi Gong.  Everything I know I owe to them, and to my ancestors who have passed down their knowledge to me.

I like to work with people who are committed to intentional work with psychedelics. Usually, we meet for 2-4 sessions in preparation for their journey; more if this is their first time and they need to learn tools and techniques for navigating the unbound psyche. During the integration phase, we meet a minimum of two times, depending on what needs integrating, and the extent of the changes they want to make in their lives.  I support people’s process of unfolding, aligning their values and priorities, and creating lives full of meaning, purpose, and joy.

The approach I use is customized for each client but it draws on my expertise in ecopsychology, energy work, somatic practices, and Internal Family Systems among other modalities. As a person of mixed race, I integrate teachings from various ancestral wisdom traditions, as well as from Western psychospiritual and intellectual lineages.

  • Ph.D.(C), East-West Psychology, California Institute of Integral Studies.  Expected graduation Spring 2024.
    Currently completing my dissertation research on:​

    - Expanded States of Consciousness
    - Ecopsychology
    - Depth Psychology
    - Psychospiritual Resilience
  • MA, Transformative Leadership (2013)  California Institute of Integral Studies​
Coach Training
  • Trauma-Informed Coaching Certification, Healing the Human Spirit (2021)
  • The Call of the Self: Psychosynthesis Coaching, Didi Furman and Susan J.Allen, The Synthesis Center (2020)
  • Positive Psychology Coaching Skill Building Intensive, Phoebe Atkinson & Jennifer Hanawald, Wholebeing Institute (2019)
  • Taming the Inner Critic, Sarita Chawla, New Ventures West (2015)
  • Positive Psychology Coaching, Wholebeing Institute (2014)
  • The Enneagram, Inner Work for Outer Change, Helen Palmer and Sharon Berbower, CIIS (2014)
  • Positive Psychology Coaching Certification, Robert Biswas-Diener, Positive Acorn (2014)
Psychedelics and Expanded States of Consciousness
  • Consciousness Medicine Training (incomplete), School of Consciousness Medicine (2021-2022)
  • Ancestral Healing, Daniel Foor, Ancestral Medicine, (2022)
  • Dream Study Program, International Association for the Study of Dreams, (2021-2022)
  • Trauma-Informed Plant Medicine Facilitation Training (Modules 2 & 3), Atira Tan (2001)
  • Integration of Expanded States of Consciousness, Susana Bustos, CIIS (2020)
  • Psychedelic Guide Training, The Guiding Presence, 2020
  • Peer Integration Facilitator Training, Larry Norris, Ph.D. and Julie Megler, N.P., ERIE (2019)
  • Exploring Psychedelics and Ethnopharmacology, Dennis McKenna, (2019)
  • Mindfulness and the Medicine, Sean Chiddy, Temple of The Way of Light, Iquitos, Peru (2019)
  • Depth Psychology and Dreamwork, Helge Osterhold, CIIS (2019)
  • Ayahuasca, Spirituality and Science, Bia Labate, CIIS (2018)
  • Integrating Psychedelic Experiences, Ingmar Gorman M.A., Katherine MacLean, Ph.D., Julie Megler, N.P., and Tanya Maté, N.D., Psychedelic Science Conference, (2017)
  • The Art and Science of Lucid Dreaming, Fariba Bogzaran (2017)
  • Holotropic Breathwork, Stan Grof, (2013, 2015, 2016)
  • Psychedelic Harm Reduction Training, Zendo Project, MAPS (2012)
  • Shamanic Dreamwork, Michael Harner and Susan Mokelke, Foundation for Shamanic Studies (2011)
  • Power Soul Retrieval, Michael Harner and Susan Mokelke, Foundation for Shamanic Studies (2010)
  • Core Shamanism, Michael Harner and Susan Mokelke, Foundation for Shamanic Studies (2009)​​
Internal Family Systems
  • Integrated Somatic Parts Work Certificate, with Fran Booth, The Embody Lab (2023)
  • Stepping Through: 16 Week comprehensive IFS Course for Psychedelic Practitioners, IFS Canada, with Derek Scott (2023)
  • IFS and Psychedelics, with Rober Falconer, Richard Schwartz, Michael Mithoefer and Robert Grant, Life Architect (2022)
  • Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy Certification, The Embody Lab (2022)
  • Somatic Practices for Healing Trauma, Manuela Mischke-Reeds, CIIS (2021)
  • The Body Keeps the Score, Bessel van der Kolk, CIIS (2019)
  • The Power of Embodied Presence, John Welwood (2010)​
  • Accredited EcoTuner, International Ecopsychology Society (2020)
  • Certificate in Ecopsychology, Pacifica Graduate Institute (2020)
  • Work that Reconnects Facilitator Development Program, Lydia Hartoonian (2019)
  • Permaculture Design Certification, Occidental Arts and Ecology Center (2016)​​

Psychedelic Integration Coach

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