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Learn new skills and practices to expand the gifts of your psychedelic wellness journey.

Psychedelic Preparation Course

Ceremonial Preparation

Get ready for a safe and transformative upcoming psychedelic journey.

With Shiri Godasi

Breathwork and Psychedelics

Breathwork for Life's Peak Experiences

A deep dive into breath as your greatest medicine with over 20 guided journeys.

With Robin Clements

Movement and Psychedelic Integration

Embodied Movement

Coming soon
Guided practices to help you connect to the intelligence and wisdom of your body.

With Erin Rose Ward

Movement and Psychedelic Integration

Ceremonial Integration

Coming soon
Unwrap the gifts of your psychedelic journey with new skills, play, and supportive habits.

With Shiri Godasi

Ethics and Psychedelics


Support for loved ones and communities... because healing happens in relatonship.

With Alis

Ethics and Psychedelics

Ritual Microdosing

Coming soon
Go beyond doses by forming a deeper relationship with your medicine.

With Marci Moberg

Ethics and Psychedelics

Journeying with Grandmother

Coming soon
A series of guided audio journeys to help you prepare and integrate your Ayahuasca journey.

With Sarah Sophia

Ethics and Psychedelics

Contemplative Inquiry

Coming soon
Tap into the power of contemplation to deepen your connection to life, nature, and your healing.

With Nigel Pedlingham

Koshas and Psychedelics

Journey into the Koshas

Coming soon
Explore the layers of your body and soul through Eastern Philosophy to discover who you truly are.

With Simone MacKay

Mindfulness and Psychedelics

Microdosing Mindfulness

A journey through practices, insights, and inspiration for everyday mindful living.
Mindfulness coaching

With David Frank Gomes

Trauma Resolution and Psychedelics

The Physiology of Trauma

Understand the types of trauma, how it affects you, and if you're a facilitator, how to work with it.

With Sasha Cuff

Ethics and Psychedelics

Living Like You Love Yourself

Coming soon
Explore Ayurvedic principles as they relate to psychedelic wellness, the seasons of nature, and the cycles of personal transformation.

With Chara Caruthers