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Nectara Membership

Make every day a ceremony

Preparation and integration guidance to help you translate psychedelic experiences into an extraordinary life.

Life is a ceremony
Psychedelic integration practices

What we do

We help people find meaning and belonging on their psychedelic wellness journey

Psychedelic peer support

Peer support. Community is key to well-being. Our membership is an intimate space to be witnessed, be known, and be heard without judgment inside our community portal and live events.

Psychedelic practices

Expert guidance. Our membership is your doorway to new, supportive habits for your integration journey. Learn from heart-led experts who hold space for you with integrity and genuine care.

Ongoing resourcing. Ongoing support is essential to unpack the gifts from psychedelic experiences. Nectara's membership is an expanding ecosystem helping you activate their full potential.

Expert guidance

Learn from 20+ respected experts in weekly Q&A's, workshops, and programs

Psychedelic Community
Robin Clements
Psychedelic Community
Shiri Godasi
Psychedelic Community
Marci Moberg
Mindfulness coaching
David Gomes
Psychedelic Community
Contemplative Inquiry
Nigel Pedlingham
Psychedelic Community
Navigation Skills
Isabel Santis
Psychedelic Community
Erin Rose Ward
Psychedelic Community
Harm Reduction
Mijal Schmidt
Psychedelic Community
Trauma Resolution
Sasha Cuff
Psychedelic Community
Art Therapy
Ona Praderas
Psychedelic Community
Ancestral Teachings
India Mayorga
Psychedelic Community
Mareesa Stertz
Psychedelic Community
Chara Caruthers

Weekly events

Live, supportive, and guided events

Support your journey with our soulful online circles and psychedelic integration and preparation experiences. Facilitated with care and expertise by Nectara’s heart-led guides.

The Ceremonial Life Q&A
Your space to ask any questions you have on psychedelic medicines, retreats, and integration.

With Shiri Godasi

Breathwave Journey
Your breath is your greatest medicine. Come breathe with us and step into a gentle but powerful experience.

With Robin Clements

Art & Dance

Connect with your playful inner child and tap into your natural creativity to express and integrate.

With Ona Praderas

Embodied Movement

Move and connect with the incredible intelligence of your body to regulate, play, and integrate.

With Erin Rose Ward

Psychedelic Playshops
Learn new preparation and integration skills and practices from a pioneer in the space.

With Shiri Godasi

Ancestral Awakening
Increase your impact by growing your business consciously, without feeling out of integrity.

With India Mayorga

Entwined: Community Alignment
Healing happens in community. Foster more harmony with those you care about the most, before and after your psychedelic journey.

With Alix

Community Gathering
Gather with seekers to connect, share, and reflect on a monthly theme for meaning making and bonding.

With Nigel Pedlingham

Write a new story with the skills and support you need to step into the full potential of your narrative.

With Mareesa Stertz

Relate and experience the potency of transitions and the cycles found within yourself and nature.

With Chara Caruthers


The space

Connect with experts and journeyers using psychedelic medicines to heal and transform their lives

As a member you get instant access to guided experiences, workshops, live Q&A's, and ongoing events.

Mindfulness teacher David Gomes
Mindfulness teacher David Gomes

Nectara Courses

Access all our expert-led psychedelic courses

Ceremonial Preparation

Get ready for a safe and transformative upcoming psychedelic journey.

With Shiri Godasi

Physiology of Trauma

Embody compassionate principles of individual and cultural transformation with classes

With Sasha Cuff

Breathwork for Life's Peak Experiences
Understand the types of trauma, how it affects you, and if you're a facilitator, how to work with it.

With Robin Clements

Microdosing Mindfulness
Microdosing Mindfulness
A journey through practices, insights, and inspiration for everyday mindful living.
Mindfulness coaching

With David Gomes

Entwined - Community Alignment
Support for loved ones and communities... because healing happens in relatonship.

With Alis

Embodied Movement
Guided movement practices to help you connect to the intelligence and creative potential of your body.

With Erin Rose Ward

Ceremonial Integration
Unwrap the gifts of your psychedelic journey with playful practices and life changing benefits.

With Shiri Godasi

Ritual Microdosing and Integration
Go beyond doses by forming a deeper relationship with your medicine.

With Marci Moberg

Journeying with Grandmother
A series of guided audio journeys to help you prepare and integrate your Ayahuasca journey.

With Sarah Sophia

Contemplative Inquiry
Tap into the power of contemplation to deepen your connection to life, nature, and your healing.

With Nigel Pedlingham

Live Life Like You Love Yourself
Leverage Ayurvedic principles to tap into the potency of transitions and the cycles within yourself and nature.

With Chara Caruthers


Who this membership is for

Become more connected to yourself and others, and find deeper meaning in your life

  • You are attending an upcoming psychedelic ceremony.
  • You recently attended a psychedelic ceremony.
  • You want a more joyful, creative, and easeful life.
  • You want to live mindfully and aligned with your new path.
  • You want to connect to a deeper sense of belonging and meaning.
  • You want a healthier lifestyle.
Save 60%: annual membership



Per month when billed annually. Pricing is in USD.
Name your price: email us for accessibility pricing.

Monthly membership


Cancel any time. Pricing is in USD.
Name your price: email us for accessibility pricing.

  • Risk-free: Get a refund for any reason within 7 days.

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