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Weekly events

Supportive, and heartfelt experiences

Support your journey with our soulful online circles and psychedelic integration and preparation experiences. Facilitated with care, reverence, and expertise by Nectara’s heart-led guides.

The Ceremonial Life Q&A
Your space to ask any questions you have on psychedelic medicines, retreats, and integration.

With Shiri Godasi

Breathwave Journey
Your breath is your greatest medicine. Come breathe with us and step into a gentle but powerful experience.

With Robin Clements


Tap into the potential of your dream to illuminate your subsconscious and brand new insights.

With Marci Moberg

Embodied Movement

Move and connect with the incredible intelligence of your body to regulate, play, and integrate.

With Erin Rose Ward

Psychedelic Playshops
Learn new preparation and integration skills and practices from a pioneer in the space.

With Shiri Godasi

Ancestral Awakening
A monthly sacred circle of integration and connection to ancestral wisdom, nature, and your lineage.

With India Mayorga

Entwined: Community Alignment
Healing happens in community. Foster more harmony with those you care about the most, before and after your psychedelic journey.

With Alix

Community Gathering
Gather with seekers to connect, share, and reflect on a monthly theme for meaning making and bonding.

With Nigel Pedlingham

Write a new story with the skills and support you need to step into the full potential of your narrative.

With Mareesa Stertz

Constellations Experiences
Explore the deepest layers of yourself intuitively with group systemic constellations.

With Andrea Langlois

Ritual Microdosing
Go beyond microdosing with an integrative approach that supports your life and larger dose experiences.

With Marci Moberg

Ayurveda (Coming soon!)
Relate and experience the potency of transitions and the cycles found within yourself and nature.

With Chara Caruthers


asked questions


Why do you host these events?


Who facilitates your events?


What is Nectara's community?


Do you plan on hosting in-person events?