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Psychedelic Integration Coach

David Gomes


30 years of exp.

Vancouver, Canada



Mindfulness Meditation


Mindfulness Meditation

Life Coaching


Life Coaching

Talk Therapy


Talk Therapy

Inquiry-based Approach


Inquiry-based Approach

Spiritual Exploration


Spiritual Exploration


Supports all medicines


Supports all medicines

Areas of Expertise

Grief / Loss


Grief / Loss




Psychedelic Integration


Psychedelic Integration

Spiritual Exploration


Spiritual Exploration





We must bloom where we are planted.

I help people through ancient wisdom and the effectiveness of personal coaching. I see mindfulness and meditation as medicines one can apply to any situation in life to feel happier and more resilient, and that naturally makes you more likely to achieve a beautiful life. I have been studying and practicing in one of the great wisdom and meditation traditions for over 30 years.

Over those years, I have distilled a fusion of my exploration of what it means to create a highly effective, intuitive, and flexible coaching framework that I have practiced with over 500 clients from all types of backgrounds.

As a guide, I understand that everyone's path is unique and that each of us has different obstacles and challenges to overcome. Therefore, I am here to see through the beliefs and habits that keep you struggling; and to inspire you to discover your own path forward.

I follow a mindfulness-based coaching process that helps inspire personal growth and keep you moving forward in a healthy, enjoyable and sustainable way. I believe in the power of deep listening and having a kind and caring soul to walk the journey with you.

In our time together, you can expect:

  • A guided discovery process to help you understand what’s next for you.
  • Daily steps, tools and techniques to help you make meaning of your psychedelic experience, solve challenges, and reach goals.
  • Values assessment and weekly inspiration to motivate you.
  • An accountability partner so you don't fall back or quit.
  • An opportunity to make a breakthrough with the patterns that hold you back.
  • Monthly workshops and practices on Nectara's Circle for ongoing support.

I was professionally trained by the Co-Active Training Institute in California, the global leader in transformative Life & Business Coaching. I'm an accredited Global Values Professional. I have worked with people from around the world, including the United States, Europe, Asia, the UAE and Saudi Arabia.

I am a founder of the Wisdom Path Program and a guide and strategic advisor for Nectara, a support ecosystem for people empowering themselves with plant medicines.

I am a brand ambassador and mentor for Huddol. Huddol has been successfully developing digital wellness solutions since 2004.

I am on the board of People Before Patients, a movement to re-imagine health care in Canada.

I view psychedelics as a tool and as part of a holistic strategy for transformation. I have explored psychedelics in this way for 25 years.

Perhaps the most important accreditation was from my mom, who said I was coaching the moment I came into this world.

Psychedelic Integration Coach

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His skill in guiding our inquiries and identifying our values has helped us outline a plan we would never have imagined on our own. David truly has a gift for listening, questioning, and challenging you to live a life in tune with who you are and what is important to you.


LeeAnn Stoermer

My experience with this coaching process was something that I had never experienced before. The depth of the conversations we had, the answers to my deepest questions, the realizations I saw after your suggestions of alternative perspectives was something that I’ll remember forever. I’ve never met someone with so much understanding of life and truths.


Jesse McDonald

David is a caring soul who has always paid close attention to the journey of the heart. I found myself in deep conversations with him about the issues in my own journey. It is in his very nature to listen and care about what he is hearing.


Michael Haldane

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Microdosing Mindfulness

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Loving the Journey of Imperfection

The topic is timeless. It has no gurus or teacher and is based on the wisdom of nature itself. Can we walk the path with loving acceptance?

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Our satisfaction promise

We hold ourselves to high standards. If you feel like our guide didn’t deliver excellent support for any reason, please let us know and we’ll make things right for you.